Frequency Counting


Frequency counting is a technique that can be used to solve problems what requires tracking, counting, or looking up values quickly. These type of problems often involve a collection of some sort (i.e., array, hashtable, or string). Often the problem will involve matching, counting, or confirming values in the collection.


To implement a frequency count, we typically uses a hashtable, However for specific cases, we may opt to use a set, or an array.

Hashtable: General all purpose use

Array: Values in the collection that are of a small range of integer values.

Set: If only needed to track if something exists.

To populate our count we will have to loop through our input collection. This leads to a O(N) time and potentially O(N) auxiliary space (if all values are unique). However future lookups can be performed in O(1) time as a result.

Lets look at examples to see its implementation.

Example 1: Two Sum

Given an array of integers, and a target value determine if there are two integers that add to the sum.

Input: [4,2,6,5,7,9,10], 13

Output: true

Brute Force

This problem looks quite similar to the sorted two sum problem, but the input array is not sorted. If we use a brute force approach we could try every single unique pair in the array. This would solve the problem in O(N^2) time.

Try to solve this problem without using hints first. If you get stuck then use the minimum hints to get yourself unstuck. Goodluck!

Hint 1

Try using a hash table (or a set) to store values we have come across to speed up lookup time.

Hint 2

  1. As we look through each value in the array, what do we need to check in the hash to know whether there is a sum that matches the target?
  2. If the hash does not contain a matching value, then what should we add to the hash table?
  3. If the hash does contains a matching value, what should we do?
  4. If we finish the loop but have not found a match, what should we return?


function twoSum(numbers, target){
  let hash = {};
  let current;
  for(let i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
    current = numbers[i];
    if(hash[current]) { return true; }
    hash[target - current] = true;
  return false;

Challenge 1: Sort a Bit Array

Given a bit array, return it sorted in-place (a bit array is simply an array that contains only bits, either 0 or 1).

See if you can solve this in O(N) time and O(1) auxiliary space.

Try to solve this using a frequency count rather than using multiple pointers, or using a comparison sort function.

Input : [0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0]

Output : [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]

Hint 1:

Since there are only two values we could use a two item array to keep a count of zeros and ones.

Hint 2:

After creating and populating a frequency count, how do we use the number of zeros and number of ones to populate the original input array.

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